A Letter from Patricia Ewing, Campaign Manager

Dear John,

People ask me all the time—how can Marianne win? What’s your strategy? So, I am writing a set of emails, each one covering a strategic idea. It’s important we have this conversation. 

Here is what has surprised me most about this election—that most of the candidates have stayed in this long—including Marianne. Yes, the group is getting smaller, but only somewhat. There are still 15 candidates, two of whom are new.

So, we have to ask — how will this impact a Williamson candidacy? 

First, we know that defeating Trump will take a national mission of inspiration, to see ourselves firmly in the now, with its challenges and opportunities. If we use 20th century tactics or ideas, Trump will win. 

Second, the large number of candidates still in the race means that people have not yet decided. Would billionaire Michael Bloomberg get in the race now if he did not have polling showing this race is wide open? No. 

Third, Marianne is an outsider with new and different ideas—so her candidacy takes time to develop. That could be an issue, but with 15 candidates in the race, she has the time to develop her own campaign, ideas and supporters. And, it's working—event after event, phone call after phone call—our movement gets stronger.

You are with Marianne for a reason. Our top-tier presidential candidates are not strong enough. That leaves an opportunity for Marianne but it will take a complete commitment. 

Join me. Commit to Marianne’s candidacy. December is the last quarterly FEC fundraising deadline of this primary. We have a renewed opportunity to move up in the polls. With your help, we can and we will. With your help, we can and we will

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Every day we're in awe of you, your passion and your support.
Thank you, 
Patricia Ewing
Campaign Manager
Marianne Williamson for President

Paid for by Marianne Williamson For President