Westminster Despatches

Dear Resident,

As a turbulent week in Westminster which culminated in the resignation of The Prime Minister draws to a close, I want to reassure you that the vital work of Government continues.

The Office of Prime Minister is bigger than one person, and although the focus will inevitably now switch to who will succeed Boris Johnson as Leader of The Conservative Party, I am getting on with the job of representing my constituents and will also continue to discharge my ministerial responsibilities as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Vaccines and Public Health. This is because of my overriding duty to you and to the country, against the backdrop of increasing prevalence of COVID-19 and the need for continuity of our public health measures.

Whilst we still await the full list of candidates, I am confident that we will quickly select a new leader who can once again drive forward the Government’s ambitious agenda to level-up our country and get on with the job of tackling the challenges that lie ahead.

In Parliament on Wednesday, I was delighted to be able to join a range of Derbyshire producers, celebrating the great food and drink that can be found across our county. This ranged from unusual doughnuts to gin and of course Bluebells Ice Cream which I’m sure you’re familiar with.

Away from Westminster, we learnt this week that Derby has been shortlisted to become the new home of Great British Rail – GBR. This is fantastic news for the city as well as the surrounding area and if successful will contribute to levelling up our region.

Although talent is spread evenly across the country, unfortunately opportunity is not. Having GBR HQ based in Derby, a city which is synonymous with our railways, would begin to redress the balance, delivering both high-skilled and high-paid jobs not only for the people of Derby but also for local people right across our region, including here in Erewash.

Now it’s down to you. With the public vote officially opened, I want to encourage all readers to back the bid by logging on to https://www.gbrtt.co.uk/hq-competition-public-vote and voting for Derby today!

I recently met with a police officer who has direct responsibility for cybersecurity, helping individuals and businesses protect ourselves from online scams. From banking fraud to the dangers of fake social media accounts, I realised how prevalent this issue is becoming and would urge all you to be vigilant before giving out any personal details online. 

To read more about this growing problem and learn how to protect yourselves and those around you from online fraud, visit https://www.derbyshire.police.uk/cybercrime 

Finally, it was a privilege to attend the 2022 Friesland School Awards Evening on Thursday, where we got together for the first time since the start of the pandemic to celebrate the hard work and talent of the students. Education is key to giving each young person the best start in life, and I am immensely proud of the progress that has been made to make Friesland School a success.

If you know of anyone who you think would like to read ‘Westminster Despatches’, please do forward this email and ask them to log onto my website www.maggiethroup.com and register to receive future issues directly.

With best wishes for the week ahead,

Maggie Throup MP
Member of Parliament for Erewash

My community office is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, however we are operating an appointment system. Should you need to visit my office, please phone 0115 930 0521 to book an appointment. Should you have an issue I can help you with, please either phone my office or email me at [email protected].
Promoted by Ian F. Gutteridge, on behalf of Maggie Throup MP, both of Unit 2 The Old Co-Op, South Street,
Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 5SG.

Copyright © 2022 Maggie Throup MP, All rights reserved.

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