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I've always been inspired by these words that Reagan penned in his later years and I've endeavored to live up to them throughout my months on the campaign trail.

“I hope [history] will record that I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears; to your confidence rather than your doubts.”
— Ronald Reagan

I was told early on that though we could never outspend an incumbent, we could outwork him ten to one. And that's just what we did!

Despite being outspent by almost 20x, your passion for change, dedicated work and tireless efforts made all the difference. At 38% and ~35,000 votes, we received a substantially larger portion of the vote than any other federal incumbency challenger in our state. I cannot thank you enough for joining your voices with mine in this movement for change. 

It’s been the honor of a lifetime to campaign alongside each of you for the last ten months. I’m incredibly proud of our strong showing and eternally grateful for your support.

I wish Congressman Owens success in his next term, and hope to continue partnering with him and each of you to champion the conservative principles and practical solutions that our nation so desperately needs.

Thank you,
Jake Hunsaker
Candidate for Congress - CD4
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