Hello Faithful Volunteers!

Here's an update on what is happening in District 4.

Orange County Volunteers:   
Volunteer Gathering for Training  BREAKFAST PROVIDED!
Date: This Saturday, July 9 
Time: 9:30am 
Place:  Rusty and Sonya Tolins house (Courtney's parents) 1314 Still Brook Place, Hillsborough
Please attend and bring a potential volunteer!!

Durham GOP FUNDRAISER featuring Courtney Geels - For ALL county volunteers!
Date: Sunday, July 17
Time: 1:30 - 4:30pm
Place: Devine Sports Bar, 904 W. Main Street in Durham
RSVP: https://durham.nc.gop/events  Click on the date
Please attend and bring potential supporters! This is an opportunity for you in place of hosting a Meet & Greet!

You can always check Courtney's website for events here:   https://courtneygeelsforcongress.com/events/

**Please recruit at least one volunteer! It will help us reach our goal to have every polling location covered on November 8. Have them sign up here:

**We need 987 more people to set up a monthly recurring gift of $22 or more from now through November!  Ask friends, family, even out-of-staters who care about the direction of our country. EVERY STATE MATTERS!
Sign up here: https://secure.winred.com/courtney-geels-for-congress/donate-today

**We need people to call inconsistent Republican voters through the end of July to confirm they will be voting this November! The more we call, the less we need to target by door-knocking and the more time we all save. Lists, scripts and training available. Please respond to this email if you have not gotten a sheet of Republicans to call, or if you already finished your list and are ready for more!!

Please mark your calendars for early voting October 20- November 5, and Election Day November 8th. We need all hands on deck. If you are able to take off work on November 8th, we need a minimum of 322 volunteers on election day. If you are RETIRED OR FLEXIBLE WITH YOUR TIME and are able to do a 2-3 hour shift at your favorite early voting location every day, that is extremely helpful!! We will start scheduling soon. 

If you prefer to volunteer in your county, contact your County Director:

Person: Daniel Poole -  [email protected]
Orange: LaRayne Quale - [email protected]
Alamance: Corrie Shepherd - [email protected]
Durham: Renee Hill -  [email protected]
Granville: Ron & Barb Conway -  [email protected][email protected]

Fighting for Truth, Justice and Unity Together!

Laurie Teper
Volunteer Coordinator
Courtney Geels for Congress NC04
Email: [email protected]
Cell: (847)212-5651