
We can unseat Greg Abbott with the right push, team!

Polls continue to show Greg Abbott and Beto O’Rourke in a tight race for governor of Texas. Every day more voters are fed up with Abbott’s failed leadership on everything from the broken power grid, to mass shootings, to climate disasters that ravage our state.

Our organizers are working hard every day to register new voters and mobilize them behind progressive change—change that includes unseating Greg Abbott. With your help, we can help Beto defeat Abbott in November. Can you pitch in $30 today to support our organizers on-the-ground across Texas?


Team, whether it’s abortion rights, gun violence, climate disasters, or sky-high energy bills, Texas seems to be at the forefront of every major crisis our nation faces. Greg Abbott continues to legislate and govern for a tiny minority of right-wing voters, neglecting the major problems faced by hardworking Texas families.

He has used his office again and again to benefit himself and his corrupt politics, instead of working to make life easier for Texas families. Every day our organizers meet voters who are sick and tired of Abbott attacking our health care, our public schools, our immigrant communities, and failing to address crises like Covid, the broken power grid, or the climate disaster. 

Together, we can help Beto O’Rourke defeat Greg Abbott and bring progressive change to Texas. Pitch in $35 or whatever you an afford to help us do it. 

Thank you,

Ground Game Texas