You have the power to restore our rights, John


When Mitch McConnell stole a Supreme Court pick from President Obama, and then Trump took office despite losing the popular vote, this is the outcome we feared.

Last week, the court took away the right to safe and legal abortion. And just yesterday, they made two decisions that cut to the heart of our work.

In West Virginia v EPA, they gutted the EPA’s authority to regulate power plant emissions. They said the Clean Air Act doesn’t give the EPA the power to…clean our air?

Then they decided to take up Phil Berger and Tim Moore’s appeal of NCLCV v Hall, our victory over partisan gerrymandering in North Carolina. This is a case with huge national implications for every American’s freedom to vote and the foundation of our very democracy.

If the court sides with state legislators’ outrageous argument, it will eliminate checks and balances and make state legislators here and across the country dictators over our elections. They can gerrymander, suppress the vote, and rig themselves into power to their hearts’ content.

Scary, right? But here’s the good news, John: we have the power to stop them. The people are with us, and they are fired up!

Fuel this fight

Because we defeated gerrymandering in state court and won fairer maps, we have our best opportunity in over a decade to win a pro-environment, pro-democracy majority in the North Carolina General Assembly.

What will we do with that majority?

  • Codify an independent redistricting process into law

  • Protect everyone’s freedom to vote

  • Accelerate the end of fossil fuels and the adoption of clean energy and clean transportation

  • Hold polluters accountable for poisoning our people

To make this future a reality, we need your help, John. Because of the stakes in this election, we’re launching a massive effort to elect pro-environment, pro-democracy candidates in November.

We’re a member-driven organization, and that means this effort depends on our strongest members like John xxxxxx.

Will you chip in $1 right now? Click here »

Thank you for powering our future,
Carrie Clark, Executive Director
NC League of Conservation Voters


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© 2022. NC League of Conservation Voters. All rights reserved.

NC League of Conservation Voters
PO Box 12671
Raleigh, NC 27605
United States