John: This fight isn’t over – it’s just beginning.

The fight to defeat Lauren Boebert has officially begun – and our team is going to play a major role in unseating her!

But as we plan our next steps, we need to know your thoughts on the state of the election.

Will you take our 1-minute survey?
Take Our Survey
*Data collected from this survey will help us strategize the best ways to beat Boebert!*

The race is on.

And Lauren thinks she can just waltz back into Congress with her notepad full of QAnon conspiracies and Trump’s face with a heart around it.

Voting rights, abortion access, LGBT protections, and so much more are at stake.

And that’s why we’re not going anywhere. We can still make a giant impact on this race.

That’s why we’re turning to you, our supporters who powered us since the beginning, to help us continue the fight.

Will you take our 1-minute survey?
Take Our Survey

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and sticking with us.

Let’s beat Boebert!

-Walker HQ







Walker for Colorado

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Denver, CO 80202


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