Dear John,


It is precisely weeks like these that make it so painfully clear just how important and how challenging this work can be. These moments are a good time to pause, take a deep breath, and then channel your frustration into immediate, tangible action. As the Supreme Court has demonstrated, our fight has just begun.

Now is not the time to lose hope. There is a path forward to secure our civil rights and bodily autonomy. If we elect just a few pro-choice leaders in critical seats this November, we can put the power back into the hands of Democrats who will fight for abortion rights, reproductive healthcare access and justice in their states.

Calling voters is our best remote tactic. The sooner we make our case, the larger the impact we’ll make, and then when the dust has settled, we’ll know we left no stone unturned.

Lets effect change together, join us on Wednesdays at 6:30pm ET. We're calling target voters for Pennsylvania state Rep. Dan Williams to support his re-election campaign. As Dan said: "We can’t stand idly by and let history repeat itself."

THIS WORKS. With you calling, we can do even more to get our voters to the polls. And it's a virtual phonebank, so it's really easy. 


Hope to see you on Wednesday! 

- Jennie, Sarah, and Emma


p.s. For other day/time options, call with Sister District staff on a National Phonebank -- sign up here!


p.p.s. Can't make it? Donate today to help Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz hire talented staff and build a winning campaign!

Paid for by Sister District Project, Authorized by Dan Williams, (HD 74) and Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz (HD 129)