Fellow Conservative,

Congress is passing "Red Flag" laws and sending our tax dollars to ambiguous "mental health" programs in the latest attempt to strip Americans of our Second Amendment right to bear arms.

I want to let you know that I 100% oppose these legislative efforts and am actively reminding my Congressional colleagues of their oath of office and the very reason the Second Amendment exists in the first place -- to protect the people from government tyranny!

Stand with me as I fight to protect our Constitution. Tomorrow marks the end of the second quarter and our Take Bake America Surge! We need your help to reach our fundraising goal before MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.
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I am encouraged by the recent Supreme Court's ruling smacking down New York's unconstitutional gun law, but unfortunately both the executive and legislative branches are determined to infringe our rights.

Unfortunately, many Republicans are in support f these efforts, which is why I say again and again we can't just take back the House, we need to take back America! 

For Liberty, 

Chip Roy
21st Congressional District of Texas

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