Give Today!

Today is a big day for my campaign.

We’re at the end of the month, which means I have a critical fundraising deadline.

Right now, I’m working tirelessly to make sure voters know that I will be a representative who upholds your rights, advances quality education, supports our Texas farmers, and invests in your future.

The reality is that in order to keep connecting with voters, I need to meet all of my fundraising goals and that means raising $1,042 more by the end of the day.

With this urgent fundraising deadline, I could really use your help. Can you rush a $50, $100, or $250 donation to help me reach every voter possible before Election Day so I can defeat Ronny Jackson?

Donate Now

Every dollar donated means one more voter contacted, and puts us one step closer to defeating Ronny Jackson. 

Together, we can create a brighter future for Texas’ 13th District.

Kathleen Brown
Donate $50
Donate $100
Donate $250
Copyright © Kathleen for Congress, All rights reserved.

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