
I need your help raising money before the end of the quarter on Thursday. When you send me money, your money is immediately used to put our country on a better path than the one it’s on now thanks to full-Democrat control of Washington. One of the ways I do that is by supporting strong conservatives running to unseat Democrats in swing seats across the country. 

Here’s why that’s important:

Even as Americans face record-high gas prices, Nancy Pelosi and radical-environmentalists in Congress refuse to do ANYTHING to address the energy crisis we face.

Democrats have called for canceling natural gas pipelines… bans on oil and gas drilling… and radical Green New Deal proposals that would just make this energy crisis worse. And even when “moderate” Democrats claim to be against these anti-energy policies, they turn right around and vote for them anyway because they refuse to stand up to Speaker Pelosi. 

Here’s what I’m worried about: if we don’t take back control of Congress, things are only going to get worse. We need to fire Nancy Pelosi and every Democrat who has enabled these policies if we want any chance of undoing some of the damage done to our oil and gas industry and our economy as a result. 

The good news is that you can do something about it… you can get in this fight. And we have reasons to be optimistic that we can win this fight when we put in the effort. Just last week, Republicans flipped a long-held Democrat seat in south Texas. Congresswoman Mayra Flores, the first Mexican-American woman to serve in Congress, won in a traditionally blue seat because she focused on issues that matter to Hispanic voters… the same issues that matter to every American: jobs, the economy, and security of our communities and country. 

I was proud to support Mayra Flores during her campaign, and her victory proves that there is no district that we can’t win. There are dozens of quality candidates in competitive districts that need our help… they can’t win without it. 

That’s exactly where your money goes when you donate to my campaign. In addition to growing our conservative movement and communicating the failures of Democrat policies in Washington, I help strong, quality conservatives like Mayra Flores flip the tough districts we need to win to take back control of Congress. 

I can’t thank you enough for your continued support, and am grateful for your willingness to put your hard-earned money behind my efforts.
In Service,
Congressman and former Navy SEAL
Dan Crenshaw
Whether you donate $15, $30, $50, $75, or more, your gift won't just sit in a "war chest". It will be put to immediate use to unseat Democrats in swing districts across the country, exposing the truth about the Biden-Pelosi radical agenda to millions of voters, and building the next generation of the conservative movement with events like Dan Crenshaw's annual youth summit.
Paid for by Dan Crenshaw for Congress