
Last week’s reversal of Roe v. Wade has put reproductive rights, privacy, and bodily autonomy on the ballot in November. It has also made Asif's campaign to unseat Young Kim and keep the House majority more urgent than ever.

Here are the latest updates from HQ:
  • This month, Dr. Mahmood advanced through the CA-40 primary and earned the largest vote share of any candidate along the way. We also learned that our opponent in the General Election will be Young Kim.

  • Young Kim is a staunch, anti-choice extremist with little support in our community. After results were tallied, we learned that two-thirds of local voters rejected Kim in the primary.

  • The only reason Kim advanced was thanks to an expensive, $2 million rescue operation courtesy of Kevin McCarthy. With his help, Kim ran a shameful campaign smearing her GOP rival -- a decorated combat pilot.

  • With just 5 seats standing in between McCarthy and the Speaker's gavel, the outcome of our race could mean winning or losing House control.
So much is at stake, and we can't let up for one second. We’re coming up short of our $45,000 online fundraising goal ahead of Thursday’s FEC deadline. Can we count on you for $3 before midnight to flip this seat and protect our Majority?

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Thanks for your support,

Team Asif