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Hi friend,

Last week, thanks to the support of thousands of campaigners like you, we were able to take our message to Westminster.  

MPs held a special inquiry into the debt crisis faced by over 50 lower income countries. We were invited to give evidence together with our partners from the global debt movement.

Find out what happened and support the campaign

We told it like it is. The crisis means cuts to healthcare and education and is a major barrier to fighting climate change.  

Notably absent was BlackRock, who despite being invited didn’t show up. The financial giant has so far refused to cancel or suspend any of Zambia’s debts, even though the country is in crisis, with spending on social services falling by 21% between 2019 and 2021.  

Being able to take the case right to the heart of government was a huge step in pushing this campaign forward. But we need to keep up the pressure.  

Can you help make our campaign go even further by giving us a regular donation?

Watch the video and help stop BlackRock

Regular donations of any amount give us the security we need to carry on campaigning and hold financial giants like BlackRock to account.  

Thank you so much for all the support you’ve given the campaign so far. If you can, please consider supporting us on a regular monthly basis. 

Campaigning together with partners around the world, I know we can win real change. 

As ever, thank you for everything you do! 
Eva, Zak, Tim and all the team at Debt Justice

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