There are only 62 days until our primary... and we have a lot of work to do.

8,000 text messages

Team Hawk is gearing up to send 8,000 text messages before the primary election. 

10,000 mailers

In just three weeks, we will be sending over 10,000 mailers to voters who vote by mail across the district.

6,000 doors

Our team has a door goal of knocking an estimated 6,000 doors by the primary.

12 counties

Our new district covers 12 counties across North Florida and we intend to be in each one more than once before the general election in November.

In 8 days, we need to submit our quarterly financial report and we need to show our district is behind us. 

If we are going to meet our goals, it's going to cost money. We cannot do this without your help.

We need
everyone on our newsletter list to donate $25 today - and we'll be able to meet our goals for the primary.

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