
The Orlando Sentinel just published a report detailing the MASSIVE waste of our taxpayer dollars by the DeSantis administration to wage their culture war battles in court. And if that wasn’t despicable enough, $2.8 million out of the $5.8 million of our taxpayer dollars being spent to litigate these culture war cases has been funneled to a D.C. law firm made up of Ron DeSantis’ friends and campaign contributors, charging taxpayers $725 an hour.
Orlando Sentinel: DeSantis taps D.C. law firm billing $725 an hour to defend culture war laws — Legal bills have totaled at least $5.8 million in just five cases, according to the Sentinel’s review. That includes $2.4 million for the felon voting law; $1.6 million for SB 90; $848,800 for the social media law; $572,042 for a ban on school mask mandates; and $422,304 for a prohibition on vaccine passport requirements.

While our families are getting squeezed by outrageous utility, rent, and insurance hikes, Ron DeSantis and Ashley Moody are robbing hardworking Florida families to make their D.C. lawyer friends and campaign contributors rich in order to benefit their own political ambitions. This is the definition of corruption, xxxxxx.

We must hold them accountable, which is why I’m running for Attorney General. But in order to compete against Ashley Moody’s millions in campaign cash, I need your help to provide our campaign with the resources we need to get our message out to voters across the state. Can I count on your support right now?

Not only is Moody clearly incapable of handling these cases herself, she doesn’t even keep track of how much the state is spending on outside lawyers. So add incompetence to corruption, and that’s what we have as our current attorney general.

We need an attorney general who looks out for the people of Florida and protects us from this inexcusable waste of taxpayer dollars and abuse of power, and with your help that’s just what I’ll do.

Thank you for any support you can provide today to help power our campaign.

Daniel Uhlfelder



Daniel is running for Attorney General because for the last 4 years, the Florida Governor and Attorney General have been more interested in bullying those they don’t agree with than helping Florida families. It is time someone finally stood up to the bullies. Daniel is the person to do just that — donate now to help power his campaign to hold Ron DeSantis and Ashley Moody accountable!


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Paid by Daniel Uhlfelder, Democrat, for Attorney General

Daniel Uhlfelder for Attorney General
124 East County Highway 30-A
Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459
United States

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