From Jeff Jackson <[email protected]>
Subject I’m running for Congress
Date June 21, 2022 8:48 PM
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Hi folks — Jeff Jackson here.

I’m running to represent North Carolina’s newly drawn 14th district in Congress and join Deborah Ross in fighting for all North Carolinians in Washington. But before I ask you to split a donation between our campaigns, [[link removed]] I hope you’ll give me a chance to tell you a little about myself and why I’m running for Congress.

To me, a campaign is like a job application. If someone wants to represent you in Congress, you deserve to know where they stand. And our records serving our communities is clear:

In North Carolina’s state Senate, the first bill I ever filed was to end gerrymandering. It’s undemocratic — plain and simple — and it has to end. Deborah has been a big part of this fight, too. In the House, she voted to pass critical voting rights legislation that would finally put an end to partisan gerrymandering nationwide.

I stood up for the LGBTQ community and against HB2, supporting multiple bills to repeal the discriminatory legislation that cost our state billions of dollars. In Congress, Deborah’s currently fighting to get the Equality Act across the finish line, legislation that would ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity for good.

And while Deborah was fighting to pass the Justice in Policing Act in Congress, I was one of just two state senators who voted against a bill that made body camera footage no longer a public record. Because transparency is the key to accountability and justice.

Over the years, Deborah and I have both advocated for raising teacher pay and the minimum wage, implementing common sense gun safety reforms, and expanding Medicaid to help more than half a million North Carolinians access affordable health care.

You know what we’ll stand for in the United States House of Representatives, because we’ve done it right here in North Carolina.

Now, I’m counting on supporters like you to help us bring that record of service and transparency to Washington. Will you split a donation of any amount between Deborah Ross’s re-election campaign and my campaign for Congress?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation to Jeff Jackson and Deborah Ross will go through immediately:

Chip in $10 now [[link removed]]
Chip in $25 now [[link removed]]

Chip in $50 now [[link removed]]
Chip in $100 now [[link removed]]

Chip in $250 now [[link removed]]
Another Amount [[link removed]]

Thanks for taking the time to read this message and for chipping in today, if you can. Your support means the world to me.

— Jeff


Paid for by Deborah Ross for Congress
Deborah Ross for Congress
PO Box 28258
Raleigh, NC 27611
United States
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