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Dear John,

We had a great time celebrating the enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation at the Juneteenth celebration this past Saturday!! It is great to know we are first free in Christ, and we can celebrate that freedom, and the physical freedom declared from the horrific establishment of slavery in the US. 

This week we have a couple important events. The first event is tomorrow evening in Orange county, and we need people to come and join to voice concerns for our 1st amendment rights. See below for details: 

TUESDAY, JUNE 21. If you can, meet at 6:30pm to PEACEFULLY protest outside the Whitted Building, 300 W. Tryon St in Hillsborough. Then at 7:00, sign up to speak (limited to 3 minutes) or be present to support those who are speaking out. Each person is allowed 3 minutes to speak, so practice and time yourself and they are limiting public comment to one hour total.

The complete agenda for the June 21 meeting is at this link.

The Orange County Board of Commissioners will vote on a regulation that is an unequivocal and sweeping violation of the First Amendment rights of every Orange County Citizen.

The First Amendment states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The new regulation the board is voting on will make it illegal for: one or more persons to gather for any common purpose including but not limited to vigil, protest, observation, demonstration, or other action which promotes or objects to a person, policy, political candidate, issue, or action.

This regulation, which may be adopted by Orange County TOMORROW night, will apply to anyone gathering for any purpose on or within 1,000 feet of any school property or any playground in Orange County.

This means that in Orange County:
  • It will be illegal for parents to gather at a school property for the common purpose of discussing school policies, asking questions about events that have occurred, speaking about ideas for improvement, or raising questions about policies or actions they disagree with. According to the law, these types of actions would constitute a violation: gathering to promote, or object to, an issue or action.
  • Likewise, it will be illegal for an individual parent to come on or near school grounds, to either support or object to the actions of any teacher or administrator or to support or object to any issue at their child's school. According to the law, this type of action would constitute a violation: one or more persons acting to promote or object to a person, policy, issue, or action.
  • It will be illegal for a family, or group of neighbors, to gather at Gold Park for a Fourth of July Celebration. According to the law, this type of action would constitute a violation: gathering to promote the issue of Liberty.
  • In the event of the sudden loss of a beloved individual, it will be illegal for the community to hold a vigil or observation to support each other and grieve on or near school property or at/near parks with playgrounds. According to the law, this type of action would constitute a violation: gathering to vigil and gathering to promote a person.
This law violates our fundamental rights:
  • By abridging the freedom of speech
  • By abridging the right of the people peaceably to assemble
  • By abridging the right of the people to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
While this law would be egregious if passed… if we allow it to pass, we’re opening the door to our county government enhancing the law to prevent freedom of speech and assembly on any government or public property.

Unlike recent school board policies that were quietly passed without the knowledge of most of the community, we have a chance to make our voices heard before this law passes.

This is a time where our community needs to act! Please take the time today to help prevent our rights from being stripped away. Please forward to your local friends and family. 

The second event this week is this Friday, June 24. We will be hosting a showing of the recent movie "2000 Mules." I have already seen the movie, and it is an objective presentation of illegalities in the 2020 election. People may say, why live in the past? We have to know history to prevent reoccurrences. True The Vote has filed multiple lawsuits with this information that has been dismissed for "lack of standing." When you see this presentation, you will see there is plenty of standing. Come with an open mind! This should not be a partisan issue. To PROTECT the vote, we need every legal vote to count. When an illegal vote cancels out a legal vote... well there is your definition of injustice.
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Thanks again, John. I appreciate your support on my campaign and I look forward to represent you well in Washington DC.
Courtney Geels
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