I want to pause and honor all those who have fought and died in the fight for freedom, civil rights, and an end to racism in the United States.
Shannon Liss-Riordan for Attorney General


Today, on Juneteenth, I want to pause and honor all those who have fought and died in the fight for freedom, civil rights, and an end to racism in the United States.

But just recognizing the importance of this day is not enough to undo decades of harm caused by racist and unjust policies — from slavery to Jim Crow, redlining to the the war on drugs, and dozens of other forms of legalized oppression over the centuries.

We owe it to communities of color in Massachusetts and across the country to commit to fighting for real justice and a level playing field.

As Attorney General, I will do everything in my power to use the office of Attorney General to undo systemic racism and oppression in Massachusetts.

I will fight for criminal justice reform and work to reverse the tide of mass incarceration through both the Criminal Division and in partnership with District Attorneys across the Commonwealth.

I will pursue policies to expand access to expungement and compensation for people impacted by marijuana convictions and other non-violent drug offenses that have unjustly damaged their lives.

I will continue to fight to uphold civil and constitutional rights like I am doing right now in Georgia on behalf of students who were suspended for protesting white supremacy and standing up for Black lives.

Because our rights do not protect themselves and systemic racism isn’t going away on its own. It takes people like us standing up, taking action, and fighting for justice. Today, tomorrow, and every day.

Let’s get to work.

In solidarity,

Shannon Liss-Riordan