Hi friends,

Today is Juneteenth, a marker of incredible historical and cultural significance for our nation.

On the 19th of June 1865, months after the Northern US states defeated the slave-owning South in the U.S. Civil War, enslaved African-Americans in Galveston, Texas, learned for the first time that they were now free. This news came more than two and half years after President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Now, we celebrate this day as the official end of slavery in the United States.

Juneteenth marks the beginning of the fight for freedom, liberation, and equality for all in this country – and just how much more we still need to achieve.

Juneteenth is an important part of our history and while it has come to symbolize the liberation of those enslaved over 155 years ago; it also serves as a reminder that there is still more we have to do collectively to realize the promise of a more equitable nation. Today is a celebration not of victory but progress.

We must do better. We need to continue to fight so that our laws reflect those of a nation taking active strides to right the wrongs of the past, which is why I will be focused on doing everything I can to pass legislation like the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, the For the People Act, and the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act when I am elected.

I will be actively working not just for equality but for equity – for every single person in this district, state, and nation.

Today is not just a holiday. It's a reminder of the progress we've made and how much work there is left to do. Together, we'll keep pushing for all our voices to be represented and achieve equality and justice for everyone.

Thank you for being part of this,

– Ann Roe