The Supreme Court needs a basic, binding code of ethics — and I’ve got a plan for that.
Warren Democrats

It feels like every day now, we get blasted with new revelations about how Ginni Thomas — the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — tried to overturn the 2020 election.

And let’s not forget: earlier this year, Justice Thomas failed to recuse himself from a case on this very subject. He was the only justice to vote against requiring that Trump White House records be turned over to the January 6 House Select Committee. Records that might have included texts from his wife.

Today would be a good day for Justice Thomas to announce that he’ll recuse himself from any more cases about the insurrection. Or we could bypass the honor system, pass my judicial ethics plan, and overhaul the broken recusal process.

If you’re outraged about this blatant conflict of interest, will you add your name to say that Justice Thomas must recuse himself on this issue going forward — and that we need to strengthen judicial ethics?

In case you haven’t been following the latest gory details about Ginni Thomas, here’s a quick run-down:

  • After the American people elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Ginni Thomas was texting Donald Trump’s chief of staff with false theories about the election results and trying to give him pointers on how to pull off a coup.
  • She pressured 29 Arizona state lawmakers to overturn the state’s election results, defy the will of the voters, and hand their electoral votes to Trump.
  • And we JUST found out that she was emailing back and forth with one of Trump’s lawyers, John Eastman — who cooked up an unconstitutional scheme to try to get Mike Pence to single-handedly declare Trump the winner on January 6.

All this, and Justice Thomas still didn’t see fit to recuse himself — let alone disclose his connection to the issue at hand, or offer an explanation to the public for his decision.

My Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act would toughen up recusal rules, institute a basic code of ethics for the Supreme Court (can you believe that doesn’t exist already?), and strengthen judicial ethics across the board.

Add your name if you agree: Justice Thomas is a walking, talking example of how the federal judiciary needs stronger ethics rules, and he can’t keep ruling on cases about the coup attempt his wife participated in.

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