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More Than 20 Million Farm Animals Die in
Transport in US Every Year

In 2021 we investigated a truck carrying pigs for over 30 hours straight, with no stops for rest, food, or water. That investigation, along with our older transport investigations from 2005 and 2012, are featured in Sophie Kevany’s new piece for The Guardian about the many animals who die on their way to slaughter. Read The Guardian’s analysis of the toll of heat stress, cold and trauma on animals in transport here.

Seven Vegan Hot Dogs For Your Independence
Day Celebration

July 4th is quickly approaching and it is the perfect time to show off some tasty vegan hot dogs and sausages. Make your Independence Day barbeque cruelty free and show your family and friends how delicious vegan eating can be. We’ve put together a few delicious ideas to get you started.

Is Foie Gras Really Any Worse Than Factory Farmed Meat?

“There’s a purity to the foie gras issue” that forces people to confront the suffering inflicted on animals raised for food, said Cheryl Leahy, Animal Outlook's Executive Director.

This quote along with the work we've done to combat foie gras production, was featured in Marina Bolotnikova's new piece for Grid in which she breaks down New York's pending foie gras ban. Read more here.

Three Things You Need To Know About Each
Animal Ag Industry

The cruel realities of what happens to animals to produce meat, dairy, and eggs keeps the issue of animal activism urgent. If you need a one-stop shop to get to the heart of the truth about animal agriculture as a motivation boost, or as a reminder of the hidden stories behind the meat, milk, and eggs you see in the grocery store and at restaurants, here’s the raw truth.

How The New Jurassic World Movie Relates To Animals

Animal Outlook's Director of Investigations Scott David breaks down the new Jurassic World movie, Jurassic World: Dominion, where dinosaurs and other formerly extinct reptiles have spread across the globe. 

Scott breaks down how these previously extinct dinosaurs function similarly to invasive species, who often have detrimental effects on the environment. Watch to learn the connections between pop culture and animal cruelty -- or kindness.
P.S. Want to take your support to the next level? Sign up today as a monthly donor and we’ll send an Animal Outlook messenger bag containing products and samples from 12 awesome vegan companies as a special thank you from us.
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