
While this has already been a tremendous week for Republicans and a building conservative wave this November, we unfortunately missed a critical milestone for our campaign yesterday. 

John, with only 14 days left in the month of June, we had an important goal to hit last night for critical fundraising needs. Sadly, we missed that goal by $5,650 and we may have to delay important campaign operations as a result.

People are suffering every day from the higher costs and abusive policies of Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer - but we need to reach them with our positive message of American Energy Independence, secure borders, stronger public safety, and lower costs for our families. This is why it’s so important we stay on track and elect Conservative fighters to Congress THIS NOVEMBER. 

Since we missed our mid-month goal, I’m hoping my grassroots army can step up, like you have before, and help us get back on track.
Our country will not get better unless we stand up and retake the House. Millions of Americans are counting on us, and I don’t want to let anyone down. Only Republicans can restore America to greatness, and John, we need you to pitch in and join the Red Wave TODAY!

For a Republican House, 