
Greg Abbott is in trouble, team!

A new poll puts Beto O’Rourke within FIVE percentage points of Greg Abbott in the race for Texas governor. Just six months ago the same poll had Abbott up 15 points, but every day more voters are becoming sick and tired of his failed leadership.

Ground Game Texas organizers are working every day to register new voters and mobilize the electorate behind progressive change. That work is critical to unseating Greg Abbott and electing Beto in November. But we need your help to get it done.

Help us unseat Greg Abbott—pitch in $25 to help our organizers register new voters and mobilize them ahead of the November election. Every contribution helps us narrow Greg Abbott’s lead, elect Beto, and bring progressive change to Texas.

>> Help us defeat Greg Abbott <<

Friend, from Covid to the power grid to the disastrous response to the shooting in Uvalde, more voters are seeing Greg Abbott’s failures on display every day. They’re tired of his corruption, his mismanaged administration, and his use of his office for political gain. They want to see change — and they’re rallying behind Beto O’Rourke.

To beat Greg Abbott, we need to expand the electorate and mobilize them like never before. That’s why Ground Game Texas is working hard every day to register new voters, put progressive issues on the ballot, and mobilize voters to turn out in the November elections to support progressive change—including in the governor’s mansion.

Beto O’Rourke has the momentum in this race, and we can win. Pitch in $25 to help our organizers expand and electrify the electorate ahead of November. Let’s unseat Greg Abbott.

Thank you,

Ground Game Texas