We must protect and expand our razor-thin Democratic majorities so we can defend our democracy.
Warren Democrats

I’m paying very close attention to the House select committee’s January 6 hearings.

We need to call out the traitors who embraced the Big Lie and incited a violent insurrection against our country. And can’t let them cover up the details of their plot. The House hearings are powerfully important so we can get the facts and ensure accountability.

Understand this: The attempt to overturn the 2020 election was part of an ongoing scheme to stop the American people from being able to choose our country’s leaders.

We must get to the bottom of what happened, and defend the right to vote and the right to have that vote counted. It is the only way to secure our democracy.

So that means we have to tackle GOP voter suppression head-on. And we have to fight back against Republican candidates who are still spreading the Big Lie to kiss up to Donald Trump, who still won’t admit that he lost an election fair and square.

Cowards like Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy have flip-flopped from their private conversations shortly after January 6, when they talked about standing up to Trump. But now they’re solidly behind him, no matter what.

These hearings are yet another reminder that we can’t let Kevin McCarthy and the Republicans take back control in this year’s midterm elections. We must protect and expand our razor-thin Democratic majorities so we can defend our democracy.

I’m in this fight all the way. If you can, please pitch in $3 or whatever makes sense right now to support our campaign, elect more Warren Democrats up and down the ballot in this year’s midterms, and keep Republicans out of power.

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