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Jarome Bell for Congress: Flip the House

Fellow Patriot,

My election is on JUNE 21ST. The Republican Party could potentially have a HISTORICAL victory this midterm.

With grassroots support, we could finally have a CONSERVATIVE MAJORITY in Congress.
Do you realize just how important this is for the well-being of our country?
Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, AOC, and every other Democrat will no longer have a majority supporting their radical agendas. Biden and Kamala Harris will stop having unlimited amounts of unchecked power.
A Republican majority would be HUGE for this country but it cannot be done without you. Republicans running in swing districts need your support to win!
I am running against a corrupt establishment Democrat and NEED your help in my fight. Are you willing to contribute today to support a Republican majority? >>
This is our nation’s chance to make a change. With a Republican majority, we can finally end Biden’s Socialism push, lower gas prices, fix our supply chain issues, and fix the Souther Border crisis!
This fight is not going to be easy, but if all Conservatives rally together, we can WIN. None of this can be done without your support.
Are you willing to step up today? Contribute $25 RIGHT NOW to pledge your support for a Republican majority and we can finally end Biden’s tyranny. >>
Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Jarome Bell
Chief Petty Officer, Ret'd.
Republican Candidate for Congress

P.S.: Pledge your support for a Republican majority by donating to my campaign today! With a majority, Biden will finally be held accountable for all of his failures. Support lower gas prices, a safer Border, and a better economy by chipping in to my campaign before it’s too late! Thank you for your support!
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