We are not powerless. We can fight back.
Warren Democrats

I’m still angry.

I’m angry that we’ve reached a point where the Supreme Court has been hijacked by right-wing extremists and is preparing to impose their deeply unpopular views upon the rest of our country by overturning Roe v. Wade

I’m angry that Republicans have scheming this for decades, by stacking the Court, passing state law after state law to shred abortion rights, and plotting nationwide abortion bans if they are back in the majority. 

I’m angry because of who will be hurt the most by this decision, including communities of color and low-income women who cannot afford to simply travel to another state for an abortion if their state outlaws it. 

I’m angry. But we are not powerless. We can still fight back. And we must.

I’m going to keep speaking out on the bold measures we need to immediately take to stop this injustice — like ending the filibuster to codify Roe into federal law and expanding the Supreme Court.

But we’ve also got to build stronger pro-abortion rights majorities to get this done — and support candidates who will defend abortion rights at the state and local level. 

If you’re angry like I am that the Supreme Court has gotten this far out of sync with American values, own your anger. Channel it. Chip in any amount to fuel our campaign and build our movement to elect pro-abortion rights and pro-democracy candidates up and down the ballot — and you’ll receive a free “Angry and Determined” sticker.

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