John --

With the Supreme Court poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, it is
critical that DC takes every action possible to protect women's health
providers like Planned Parenthood.
However, due to a Congressional budget rider, DC's
government is PROHIBITED from protecting abortion rights and
financially supporting these health providers.
That’s outrageous. The District’s government must have the ability
to protect the rights of its people, and that’s especially true when
it comes to the right to choose.
This anti-democratic rider was invented by Congressional
Republicans and, with enough pressure from the public, can be removed
by the Democratic Congress.
Please join me in signing our petition demanding that
Congress REMOVE THE RIDER and allow DC to fund women's health
When anyone's rights are attacked, it's up to all of us to defend
them. I hope you will join me today by signing our petition to remove
the rider.

Phil Mendelson