I’m not your average attorney, xxxxxx.

I’ve dedicated my life to fighting for civil rights — often in unconventional ways — including protesting against Ron DeSantis’ dangerous policies by walking crowded Florida beaches costumed as the Grim Reaper.

Since I was a kid growing up in Florida, I have been immersed in social justice and believe that failing to stand up for what is right has grave consequences. This was impressed upon me from an early age, as my family recounted stories of my great grandparents being killed in concentration camps, while my grandfather was able to escape and build a new life here in America.
Daniel Uhlfelder with Governor Lawton Chiles

Driven by these stories, I worked hard to graduate from college as I served as a law clerk, summer associate and staff aide in the White House, the United States Attorney General's Office, the United States Senate, and the United States House of Representatives, before earning my law degree from the University of Florida.

Now, as an experienced attorney handling products liability, personal injury, commercial, and criminal matters over the last 25 years — I am ready to use this experience to directly impact the lives of Floridians and the future of the Sunshine State.

xxxxxx, the people of Florida deserve an attorney general who will be an advocate for them — not be the Governor’s personal attorney. That’s why I’m asking if you can pitch in $5 or more right now to help me hold DeSantis and Moody accountable and protect the people of Florida from their harmful actions?
I have been a vocal critic of Ron DeSantis’ and Ashley Moody’s policies, which have led not only to deaths, but undermined access to medicine for patients, contributed to increasing environmental damage, and hurt consumers across the state.

While this Governor and Attorney General have been more interested in bullying those they don’t agree with than helping Florida families. I am running to ensure that the people of Florida have the fierce advocate they deserve.

Thank you for any support you can provide at this critical moment,

Daniel Uhlfelder



Daniel is running for Attorney General because for the last 4 years, the Florida Governor and Attorney General have been more interested in bullying those they don’t agree with than helping Florida families. It is time someone finally stood up to the bullies. Daniel is the person to do just that — donate now to help power his campaign to hold Ron DeSantis and Ashley Moody accountable!


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Paid by Daniel Uhlfelder, Democrat, for Attorney General

Daniel Uhlfelder for Attorney General
124 East County Highway 30-A
Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459
United States

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