Our Family Advocate program sees our families in crisis due to allegations of child abuse in a way no one else does. A window in The House that Trust Built, these social workers have an all-encompassing view of each protective family’s current struggles and the support they may need in order to move from trauma to healing. Created by Alliance For Children in 1999, the Family Advocate program is unique, offering families a path to healing, and connecting them with a range of basic needs to long-term community resources that will allow them to stabilize, whether the abuse took place years ago or just yesterday.

As we often see, abuse can fracture a family. The abuser may have been the breadwinner, causing the family instability through a variety of avenues. Children may not have a safe place to sleep, a change of clothes to wear, or even access to basic hygiene products. A mother may need diapers and baby wipes, school supplies for her children, or to be connected with a domestic violence support organization. The Family Advocate program at Alliance For Children provides all these connections and more: a listening ear, support for teens who may be depressed and traumatized, and a source of safety and support for a family whose whole world has been upturned.

Family Advocates specialize in connecting with a family on both an emotional and a resource level, ensuring that we connect them with needed resources so that they can begin to heal from the trauma they have endured. The emotional support given by each advocate cannot be understated. They are the hand-holder and lifeline for our families, providing guidance, comfort, and support sometimes on a daily basis. Additionally, they are a friendly face and source of strength for our children who testify in court.

Family Advocates also connect families to the outreach programs that Alliance For Children offers, including Back to School Connection, Christmas Connection, Next Steps, the Makeover Project, Camp B.L.U.E. (Building. Learning. Understanding. Empowering.), and to our Counseling program. They make referrals based on the specific needs of that family, so that every child and protective caregiver has access to the exactly care and resources they need to rebuild their lives. School supplies, holiday gifts, gift cards for gas, groceries, and more – the Family Advocate program provides an array of opportunities for healing for the families we serve, all tailor-made to their needs.

As the windows into the home, our Family Advocates bring light and warmth to a family who will now have the necessary tools to move past this abuse, stronger together. To learn more about the programs Alliance For Children offers, and how you can support the children and families we serve, visit allianceforchildren.org.

Julie Evans
Chief Executive Officer