"I first want to thank all of our supporters in our bid to be Lieutenant Governor. Tonight, I have called Attorney General Leslie Rutledge to congratulate her and her supporters on their victory and offered my full support as our Republican nominee heading into November.

I extend my congratulations to our next Governor, who happened to have been a former page of mine in the State Senate, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She will govern this state with grace, class, and a clear conservative mandate.

Tonight, I am reminded of my time with Lieutenant Governor Win Paul Rockefeller. Serving with Win for five years was an absolute honor. He presided over the senate with authority and never met a stranger. He would have made a fantastic Governor. His efforts, any many others, helped pave the way for where we are today, and the future of our Party and State are very bright."
My Best for a Better Arkansas,
WebbforArkansas.com | Paid for by Doyle Webb for Lieutenant Governor