After winning my first primary for Mayor of New York City, and through my inauguration, we heard over and over that our vision for One New York was not possible.

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Friends -

After winning my first primary for Mayor of New York City, and through my inauguration, we heard over and over that our vision for One New York was not possible.

When I said that we would not wait to offer free, full-day pre-K to all of New York City’s children, the New York Times said it was a noble idea that would never happen and that we were wasting our time. Today, 70,000 children are enrolled in pre-K and we’ve launched 3-K for All.

When I said that we would not wait to reform a broken stop-and-frisk policy in New York City, the editorials and statements from officials of that time basically said the city would fall apart the moment we got rid of the program. The opposite happened. We started showing respect to our young people and we got safer. Before COVID, New York City was the safest big city in America with the lowest number of major crimes in the modern era.

When Donald Trump dropped out of the Paris Agreement and his administration rolled back climate protection after climate protection, there was a lot of disappointment, but little hope about what could be done in response. We doubled down, cutting greenhouse emissions by 17% below 2005 levels despite significant growth as a city, and committed to divesting $5 billion of NYC’s pension funds from fossil fuels.

Now I hear the same thing about Congress today — that it will never act on the issues important to working families in this country.

But I say they just need to hear from someone who has done it before.

That is why I am running for Congress. But I cannot get there alone. So I am asking:

Can you please become a Founding Donor to my campaign for Congress today? It is so important that we start this campaign off strong.


Thank you in advance for chipping in today. It means a lot to me.

In solidarity,

Bill de Blasio