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Jarome Bell for Congress: Flip the House

Fellow Patriot,

These Democrats are getting expensive. 
We MUST flip this house in 2022 to put Biden and Pelosi in check.

That's why I'm running in one of the NRCC's top targeted flip districts.

Please donate today to help me send these radical communists packing.

The Democrats are DESPERATE to divide us. They throw out the race card every opportunity they get. 

But I won't let them get away with it. 

I explain how we can fight back in my interview with Chris Salcedo on NewsMax, below. 

We MUST NOT let them divide us. 
They are dividing and conquering, so they can
  • destroy our economy,
  • censor us into oblivion, and
  • keep our borders open to flood our nation with cheap, unskilled labor.

The only way to stop this is to flip the U.S. House to the red column

Will you take action against the Democrat establishment by donating to my campaign today?
It's time to eradicate their agenda.
Without a Republican majority, we'll just get more of the problems I referenced above. 
Rise up and ensure your voice is heard by chipping in as much as you can to my campaign fund.
Making America Great means rebuilding our economy, destroying the Tech Censors in Silicon Valley, and closing our borders. I will never stop fighting for all of these.
It's time to FLIP THIS HOUSE!
Thank you in advance for your support!

Jarome Bell
Chief Petty Officer, Ret'd.
Republican Candidate for Congress

P.S.: We MUST flip this house from blue to red.

Please consider making a donation to my campaign as I run to flip this targeted U.S. House seat, so we can get busy fixing this disaster Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are giving us.

We have to get this country back on track before it’s too late
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