Dear Friend of OpenSecrets,

With the 2022 primaries beginning in earnest, the headlines are providing a constant reminder for you about the value of OpenSecrets’ election coverage. As you consider if now is the right time to support OpenSecrets during our new donor drive, I want to remind you that you are funding more than just our data resources.

You’re supporting a small but hard-working staff who keep at the complex work to make sense of the money in Washington.

Consider, for example, our analysis of lawmakers' financial disclosures, which revealed that elected officials had been profiting from the Coronavirus pandemic by using non-public information.

At the start of the pandemic, we broke the story that Senate Intel chair, Richard Burr (R-N.C.), sold millions in stock just weeks before the shutdown. Subsequent investigations from the FBI, DOJ and SEC led Burr to step down from the intelligence committee. Senator Burr is not seeking reelection this year.

But our investigation didn’t stop with Burr. In the following months, we reported on other lawmakers who made large stock trades prior to the coronavirus outbreak, as well undisclosed stock sales by Rep. Donna Shalala (D-Fla.). 

And this past September, we reported on Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-Ala.) actions to capitalize on the recent infrastructure bill. 

Support for a Congressional stock trading ban is now growing on both sides of the aisle, in part thanks to our facts-driven research and analysis. Researchers at OpenSecrets are experts at exposing hidden financial stories that are essential to understanding lawmakers' intentions.

Please consider making a gift to OpenSecrets to follow the money during our spring donor drive.

Stand with us and support independent research that illuminates the hidden dynamics of political money.
Yes, I'll Support OpenSecrets!
With gratitude,

Sheila Krumholz
Executive Director

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