Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

Lower Property Taxes

Texans had the opportunity to weigh in on proposed constitutional amendments last weekend. I am so glad to report that BOTH Propositions 1 and 2 passed in a landslide victory – with over 85% of voters voting in favor of each measure – ensuring Texans’ property taxes are lowered!

Proposition 1:
Gives disabled homeowners or seniors 65+, whose school taxes are frozen, a further cut.

Proposition 2:
Increases the amount homeowners can deduct from their home’s value before school tax rates are levied from $25,000 to $40,000.

Texans demand property tax relief and that their voices are heard. This is a HUGE victory for ALL property owners in Texas…and we are just getting started.

It is my promise that in the Texas Senate, we are going to continue to do all we can to provide additional property tax relief so Texas taxpayers can keep more of their hard-earned money.

Illegal Immigrant Who Wanted to Test Our Jury System Got a Rude Awakening

Don't Mess With Texas

A jury in Kinney County this week found an illegal alien who trespassed on a ranch guilty. He was sentenced to one year in jail and court costs.

Most illegal immigrants plead guilty, but this individual wanted a jury trial. He found out what Texans think about those who cross into Texas illegally.

The troopers did well testifying.

My Official Statement on School Choice

School Choice

Parents deserve a stronger say in their child’s education, including having the choice to send their child to the school best fit for them. That’s why I support school choice in the upcoming legislative session. Click here to read my official statement.

Campaigning for Senator Dawn Buckingham

I’ve had a very busy week covering more than 13 cities in 3 days across Central and West Texas campaigning with and for Pete Flores and Dawn Buckingham.

On Wednesday and Thursday I traveled with Senator Dawn Buckingham, who I’ve endorsed for Land Commissioner, to Midlothian, Wichita Falls, Abilene, Buffalo Gap, Lubbock, Midland and San Angelo.

In Midlothian with Dawn Buckingham, Senator Birdwell, and Representative Harrison

Abilene Mayor
In Abilene with their outstanding Mayor


Cole Shooter
In Lubbock with our great party chair, Cole Shooter

Sparks and Beauchamp
In Midland with our new Senator-elect Kevin Sparks and James Beauchamp

 Sande Harrison from Republican Women of San Angelo

Campaigning for Pete Flores

On Monday I traveled with Pete Flores, who is running for Senate District 24, around Central Texas. We visited with the local papers in Marble Falls, Llano, Fredericksburg, Kerrville, Bandera, and Plesanton.

Pete is a 27-year Game Warden who rose to the rank of Colonel. He has a rock solid record on border security, pro-life, and pro-second amendment issues.

He is endorsed by President Trump, Senator Cruz, Governor Abbott, Governor Perry and myself. Be sure to vote for Pete Flores in the run-off in SD 24.

Bandera Bulletin Pleasanton Express
 Llano News

The Democrats will stop at nothing to defeat me in 2022. I hope I can count on your financial support of $5-10-25 or more today.

Your support will help our campaign champion conservative ideas across Texas. Because when conservatives win, Texas wins.

May God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the greatest state of all—Texas.


Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

P.S. Feel free to forward this email to your friends and family who may not be on our email list — they can also click here to sign up for future updates.

"Whomever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant."
Matthew 20:26 (NLT)

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