Stand with Chip and Stop Slush Funding >>
Dear Fellow Conservative,

Congress once again jammed through a massive $40 billion spending bill with little debate and without reading the contents of the bill.

I took to the House Floor to vehemently oppose this bill and the swampy way it has been pushed through. Do you stand with me?

Of course, my heart goes out to Ukrainians and all affected by the war over there, but I represent Americans. We all know politicians hide their corrupt dealings with altruistic intentions and hyperbolic attacks on anyone who questions them. That's Swamp Politics 101.

So at a time when inflation and debt are at record highs, there are shortages in food, energy and baby formula, I'm not rubber-stamping 40 billion dollars to go to another country without any clear debate or analysis as to why this is in our strategic national interest.

That is plain common sense, something sorely lacking in Washington. The House passed the bill with even the majority of Republicans voting to support it.
Tell Congress to Read the Darn Bills >>
While we are supposedly "supporting democracy" in Ukraine, our whole political process has become a farce. There's no accountability or transparency, and our representatives have little interest in the problems actually facing Americans.

My promise to you is that I will continue to hold Congress's feet to the fire. Help me STOP reckless spending and slush funding -- donate to my re-election campaign today!

I appreciate your continued support and prayers. 

For Life and Liberty,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21
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