Dear Fellow Conservative,

Tomorrow is the National Day of Prayer. Will you join my family and me in praying for the end of Roe v. Wade and for our nation during this time?

As I'm sure you've heard, a draft majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade has been leaked to the press, in an unprecedented security breach.

This is likely an intimidation tactic to stir up chaos in our country and pressure the Justices to discard their draft and keep Roe in place.
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While the media whips up a frenzy, it's important that we remain focused and double-down on our pro-life convictions.

Roe v. Wade is unconstitutional on its face and has been disastrous for our country. The sheer number of innocent babies deprived of their right to be alive is unimaginable: over 63 million.
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We must increase our efforts of prayer, and there is strength in numbers. That's why we created a little website called where you can add your name to the many patriots praying for the pro-life cause. 

We will continue to pray until Roe v. Wade is officially overturned, but as tomorrow is the National Day of Prayer it's fitting that we get as many Americans making the pledge today.

So please sign and share the pledge with family, friends and on social media. We must now more than ever pray for our country and the abolition of Roe v. Wade.

For Life and Liberty,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21
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