Supreme Court to Overturn Roe V Wade

Writing this email makes me sick.

But here goes nothing.

Back in 2016, I was crammed into a friend’s tiny apartment for a small dinner party. And I overheard someone say how they were soo disgusted by Donald Trump and soo disillusioned with Hillary Clinton that they were going to throw their vote away for a third party candidate.

Many at the party agreed with her.

Next thing I knew, Donald Trump became our president only to single-handedly create the most conservative Supreme Court in our lifetimes.

Now, that Court is overturning Roe v. Wade.

The sacred ruling that told generations of women that they mattered, that they had the power and the right to choose for themselves, and that nobody else can control their bodies.

That might be gone now.

I’m running for Congress because I can’t go back in time to that dinner party in 2016 and warn my friends that if they don’t act now, their rights would be picked off one by one.

John: We might lose the right to choose – to control our own bodies – if we don’t do something right now.

I’m asking for your signature – for your commitment: Will you add your name here to take a stand against Lauren Boebert and urge Congress to codify Roe v. Wade into law so it cannot be stripped away?

Lauren Boebert is celebrating today. She can’t wait to shut down Planned Parenthood. She wants to bring the “Don’t Say Gay” bill to Colorado and erase the LGBTQ+ community from history. She’s still trying to silence voters, spread conspiracies, and impeach our fairly elected president.

And we’re one month away from our primary – where if we don’t win, Boebert waltzes back into Congress.

I’m begging you: Do not sit out this fight.

Please, click here to add your name to our petition and make sure you don’t look back at this moment wondering what you could have done to stop it.

I’m going to fight like hell to protect your rights.

Thank you,








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