

Last night, a draft Majority Opinion was leaked saying that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade.


If the Supreme Court does indeed overturn Roe v. Wade, Americans in half of the country could lose access to abortion. This is not a fire drill, John.


It means people, especially low income Americans, will have a harder time accessing abortion care. It means people in states that ban abortion could be forced to carry pregnancies to term, even in cases of rape, incest or whether it threatens the health or life of the mother. It means not allowing Americans to have control over their own body autonomy.


Republicans want to take away abortion rights but at the same time refuse to provide maternity leave, universal health care or help with child care costs? It’s outrageous on so many levels.


The majority of this country does NOT want to outlaw abortion. In fact, when I ran for Congress in a conservative district, with 70,000+ more registered Rs than Ds, our polls consistently showed that 60% of the district considered themselves “Pro Life.” Those same polls consistently showed that over 60% of voters supported keeping abortions legal. 


We can’t go back, John. Here in Iowa, the Iowa Constitution protects access to abortion. But make no mistake: Iowa Republicans are already trying to undo these protections and take away reproductive rights.


We need a U.S. Senate that will codify Roe v Wade in federal law, but we also need to start getting organized at the state level. We can prevent rightwing extremist bills from being passed if we get out the vote and take away Republicans’ control of state legislatures. 


I’m running for Iowa House District 1. If elected, you can always count on me to protect reproductive rights. It’s time for Democrats to start taking back the legislatures, starting right here in Iowa.


Standing Tall for All,

J.D. Scholten 


If you'd like to send a check to Scholten for Iowa, please mail it to: Scholten for Iowa, P.O. Box 5351, Sioux City, IA 51102.


Paid for by Scholten for Iowa.