
The leaked memo from the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade has shaken me to my core and made real the scenario we all feared. 

As a freshman legislator in 2019, I signed onto the Reproductive Health Act as soon as I could. With a new Democratic Majority, we codified Roe in New York State that same year to defend against this exact scenario, but we know attacks on Roe are just the beginning. We must also pass the Abortion Access Fund Bill, and work to protect other liberties at risk from far right attacks, like LGBTQ & interracial marriage. 

In the tradition of Latina activists who won their right to healthcare, I’ll be at Foley Square today wearing green in protest. Abortion is healthcare, and we won’t go back. Please join as we channel our rage into action.

If you’re unable to join us today, please consider donating to the following organizations that are doing incredible work keeping resources available to those seeking reproductive care, or volunteer to support abortion providers and folks seeking healthcare here in Queens:

Donate to an abortion fund in the US with the most need: 

Donate to
Donate to the New York Abortion Access Fund:
Donate to the New York Abortion Access Fund
Sign up to escort people who are being harassed on their way to reproductive healthcare appointments in Queens:
Queens Clinic Escort Volunteer Sign Up

If you need help getting an abortion, please find more resources below:

Find an abortion

As your Senator, I will continue to advocate for healthcare for everyone, abortion included.

We are in this together.

Jessica Ramos

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