Watch: Chip's Confrontation with Mayorkas >>
Dear Fellow Conservative,

If you haven't heard, Chip Roy has been making a huge splash in the media for his fiery grilling of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Chip joined Tucker Carlson last night to talk about the border and Mayorkas's abysmal record -- Click here to watch the segment, which shows a clip from the hearing >>

Chip pressed Mayorkas into answering the question: "do we have operational control over the border?" To which, a bold-faced Mayrokas replied, "yes."

This answer is either clear ignorance of the law or a complete misrepresentation of the facts... either way it has set off this has set off a firestorm in conservative media.

Chip on Tucker: My blood is boiling >>

As Blaze Media reports:

"An incredulous Roy read the statutory definition of "operational control," which according to the Secure Fence Act of 2006 means, "the prevention of all unlawful entries into the United States, including entries by terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband."

When we TAKE BACK Congress in November, we will have plenty of ammunition to take down and impeach Alejandro Mayorkas. I'm proud to say that my boss, Congressman Chip Roy, is leading the charge. 

Chip makes media appearances all the time, but this one on Tucker last night was particularly great and timely, so I wanted to make sure you, Fellow Conservative, got a chance to see it. 

So give it a watch and share it with family and friends...

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Also if you can, please make a quick and easy donation to Chip's re-election campaign. We are in the last hours of our April fundraising drive, with a big deadline tomorrow at midnight!

For Liberty,

John Fletcher 
Team Chip
Chip Roy for Congress
Support Chip and Watch the Clip from Tucker >>
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