
People all across the country are thinking about how much of their hard-earned money is about to be taken by the IRS and become government waste.

And with Biden’s inflation coming in at a 30-year HIGH, it’s worse than ever!

President Trump summed up the current crisis perfectly, 

"Biden and the congressional Democrats triggered massive inflation. They declared war on American energy and the middle class is now being crushed by the highest gas and food prices in the history of our country."

It’s true. Bidenflation is crushing American families.

I’m running to get our country back on track, and that means fixing Biden’s insane inflation problem. Can I count on your support,
Jack, as I fight for America? 

Click below to send your urgent donation today. 
Biden is out of touch with the average American. He needs to address the crippling inflation he created, and solve the issue. 

But he can’t—his policies will only continue to make it worse. 

We need to fix the supply chains. 
We need to cut government waste. 
We need to stop paying people not to work.

This is your chance to elect a leader that knows how our economy works.
Thank you for standing up to a corrupt president and his lackeys.

Mike Gibbons

P.S. I’m barely ahead of my opponent, Josh Mandel, in this election. I’m counting on you to keep me ahead of him before the primary.

Like President Trump, I’m a businessman, not a politician. I don’t have corporations and special interest groups filling my pockets. I can only rely on real American Patriots like you. 
