John — 

Some important and exciting news!

Evan McMullin is an independent running for Senate in Utah—with a real chance to win.

I’ve met with Evan and he is the kind of principled leader we need in Washington. Evan isn’t beholden to either political party.  If he wins a Senate seat, this would show that Americans are ready for an alternative to the two parties.  It would show that Americans are more interested in leaders who will work to solve our problems than in fighting with each other.

Polling shows Mike Lee at just 34% in Utah.  And that’s despite the fact that he’s a 12-year incumbent with the support of far-right PACs and dark money groups.  Meanwhile, nearly 65% of registered voters in Utah say they’re ready to vote for an independent. 

In short, Evan has a real shot.

Will you chip in right now to help Evan’s campaign hit their April fundraising goal? We can’t waste this opportunity just because we failed to step up.

Independent candidates have an uphill battle—they don’t have a national party to support them.  They just have us, Americans who are sick of the two major parties and the way they’re destroying our democracy.

If we unite behind Evan, we will bring independent leadership to Washington and help heal the political divide tearing our country apart.  We’ll help elect a true patriot who will fight for us in our nation’s capital.

So, John, will you add a grassroots donation right now to help Evan’s independent campaign hit their $100,000 April fundraising goal?

This is our chance, John. Let’s move this country forward.

- Andrew

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