
Our healthcare system should provide effective care at an affordable price. Period.

So why doesn’t it? Because those in charge and bought and paid for by Big Pharma.

Take Lauren Boebert, for example:

Boebert is the problem

Nearly 30 million Americans need daily Insulin shots no matter how much it costs them. And just when our government tries to help, our very own representative votes against them!

If you wonder why our healthcare system is so *effed* up – it’s because of people like Lauren Boebert.

That’s why we’re asking you to chip in to send Alex Walker to Congress, so we have a leader who will make sure our healthcare system works for Coloradans – not Big Pharma. Click here to become a supporter today.


→ Let’s regulate pharmaceutical companies who price gouge and get rich while Coloradans suffer!

→ Support healthy competition so folks can get their insurance from the government or from private insurers - whatever works for them!

→ Cut red tape that leads to longer wait times and more confusion!

Healthcare is for YOUR health – not THEIR wealth. And we need leaders who’ll stand up to Big Pharma, not roll over when they say so.

We need your help to get rid of Lauren Boebert. Chip in to become a founding supporter.


Thank you,

Walker for Colorado







Walker for Colorado

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PO Box 449
Denver, CO 80202


Paid for by Walker for Colorado