25 Years of Statewide Land Use and Transportation Policy
Advocating for Clean Transportation in Wisconsin
April 27 from 10am-12:30pm

Keynote speaker Kevin Brubaker from Environmental Law & Policy Center. Conversations include Active Transportation, Public Transit, and Passenger Rail. The event is free but registration is required. For more details, visit our website.
Click here to register via Zoom: 
Don't miss our April Webinar
Reclaiming the Streets for Living, Together
April 20th

Hear from Joyce Tang Boyland (Alverno), Susan Gaeddert (Active Wisconsin), Caressa Givens (Wisconsin Bike Federation), Lori DiPrete Brown (UW-Madison), and Amber Miller (AARP-Wisconsin) about how street design and the built environment shape us, how we shape the streets, and what we can do to reclaim public space and combat social isolation in a changing world.

The webinar is free but registration is requiredRegister here:

In case you missed it...

Our March webinar featured experts from the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change in Wisconsin (WICCI). Dr. Adam Bechle of Sea Grant and Dr. Anna Haines of UW-Stevens Point shared findings from the new WICCI report and strategies for communities in Wisconsin to address climate change. It was our most well-attended webinar yet! Click here to view the recording on YouTube.

Advocacy Update: Rethinking 794 in Milwaukee
Last week, our transportation policy director, Gregg May, was asked to speak in Milwaukee about the future of downtown highways. At live show of NEWaukee’s Urban Spaceship podcast, we shared our preliminary efforts around reimagining 794 in Milwaukee...

Earth Month 2022
1000 Friends believes that every day should be Earth Day, but since the month of April contains the actual holiday, here are some resources and events that deserve a spotlight:

Project Drawdown has a wealth of information from experts, including a new series of videos called Climate Solutions 101 that are solution-focused educational tools for anyone to use.

The Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at UW-Madison is hosting Earth Day 2022: Water on the Rise on April 21. The day-long event will examine how communities across the globe are facing, responding to, and mitigating critical water issues. Learn more and sign up here.

Season 5 of the Scene on Radio podcast is called "The Repair." In it, co-hosts John Biewen and Amy Westervelt "...explore the cultural roots of our current ecological crisis and the deep changes Western society will need to make to save the Earth and our species." Every episode is deep, comprehensive, and very thought-provoking. Click here to learn more.
We've partnered with Target Circle! Vote by June 30 to support 1000 Friends of Wisconsin and Active Wisconsin. If you are a member of the Target Circle rewards program, just log into your account, click or tap on the Community Circle to vote for your favorite nonprofit and look for 1000 Friends of Wisconsin.
Funding Opportunities
AARP is accepting applications for the Small Dollar Big Impact grant (up to $1000) through April 19, 2022.

Projects for Public Spaces is accepting applications for Community Placemaking Grants. One award of $40,000 will go to help a major destination in a town or city engage and improve the visitor experience for underserved members of the community. The deadline is April 15. Read more here.

Applications for the Nelson-Knowles Stewardship Local Assistance Grant Program, Land and Water Conservation Fund, and Federal Recreational Trails Program are due to the WDNR Monday, May 2, 2022. Click here for more information. If you are considering applying, please contact your regional manager.

WisDOT is accepting applications for the Transportation Alternative Program (TAP). Proposals are due by 5pm on June 3, 2022. Click here for more details.

The US Department of Transportation is accepting Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Discretionary Grant Program applications through April 14, 2022. Bike/ped projects are eligible. Learn more and apply here.

The US Department of Transportation is accepting proposals for the Low or No Emission Grant Program and the Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Competitive Program through May 31, 2022. Learn more here.