
I am Ike McCorkle, retired Marine Reconnaissance Officer, Purple Heart recipient, and proud father of four beautiful kids in Douglas County Colorado!

Our kids future, our democracy, and the planet are on the line in this election!

We have BIG NEWS to announce! After receiving overwhelming support from the delegates at our District Assembly last night, I am the only Democrat that made threshold! I won the assembly with 82% of the delegate vote!

That means I’m officially the Democratic candidate in this race!

We face great challenges in eastern Europe and in the Central and Indo-Pacific. Only American Unity and the strength of our Alliance will ensure future peace and stop the aggression of murderous dictators and regimes.

We cannot allow climate change deniers and corporate compromised actors control of the United States Government ever again!!!

“As bombs began raining down on Ukrainian cities, Donald Trump called into Fox News to blame – you guessed it – Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.

As Russian tanks began pouring over the Ukrainian border, Fox News host Laura Ingraham had the gall to call Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “pathetic.”

And if you tune into Tucker Carlson these days, you’ll see a show that might as well have been written and produced by Russian state media. Fox News showcases the chasm between traditional GOP normative behavior and the fringe-right cabal now headed by Donald J. Trump.” (vote vets)

63 Republicans just voted against a resolution reaffirming America's unequivocal support for NATO.

Our own Congressman Ken Buck is among the disgraceful cowards. We cannot allow liars and thieves control of the United States Government ever again!

Buck voted against 55 billion in National Water infrastructure investment. With your help we will #getthebuckout this November!

Elect An Honest Congress! $20.22
Elect An Honest Congress! $202.2
Elect An Honest Congress! $2022
Elect An Honest Congress! $5600

Winning and expanding our Congressional majorities in the House and Senate in these midterm elections is our only sure shot at defending the foundations of representative democracy in America.

The representative sanctity and integrity of the Federal Republic is on the line this November.

Now that we are the designated Democratic candidate for Congress in District four we must focus on the primary task of removing Buck and his corrupt colleagues from Congress!

I am extremely proud to have won at district assembly with 82% of the Vote! However, we must refocus and redouble our efforts if we want to beat Buck in November.

Contribute Now! Help us buy targeted add campaigns, commercials, mailers, billboards, and post cards Today!

We simply cannot allow Trump’s Republicans and Fox News propagandists control of the United States Government Ever Again!!!

The Primary is over contribute to our Campaign and endorse Today!!!

Semper Fi

Ike McCorkle

Combat Wounded

USMC Retired

Candidate For Congressional District 4