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Dear Friends, 

It's that time of year where I get to share our annual crowdfunding campaign with the world. I am so proud of Santa Fe Dreamers Project and every single member of our staff who puts their full heart into reaching our clients and supporting them and practicing law with radical love.

Here is the link to the fundraiser.

This year we are trying to raise $60,000. After last year's total success, I know that we can do it. The first 48 hours are crucial to a crowdfunding campaign so please help us get off to another strong start. You can do this by making a donation of any size, by sharing our campaign on social media, or by emailing your friends and family to let them know about our important work and why you care about it. Here is a social media kit to help you!

Thank you for your continued generous support of Santa Fe Dreamers Project. We are accomplishing incredible things together. Thank you for being a part of it, for joining us to make change and resist hate. Thank you for believing in our clients. And thank you for continuing to stand up for what is right for immigrants and refugees, for our families, and for our country! 


Executive Director
Copyright © 2019 , All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 8009
Santa Fe, NM 87504

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