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America spends less than any developed nation on labor force training — .001% of our GDP!

It is why 12 million Americans stopped looking for a job — they don’t have the skills for those available.

I wrote about my unique "Training for a Lifetime" program for the Nashua Telegraph (link below) for the 65% of Americans who don’t have a college degree — and we have forgotten: 

"We have a serious skills gap in this country. Too many employers say they can’t find the skilled workers to fill available jobs. And yet 5% of Americans have left the workforce over the past twenty years because they lack the skills to get a job in this labor market – and they don’t have the money to afford training. My party has focused a great deal of attention on college debt. Of course the inflation in tuition costs and the burden of debt faced by some merits a concerted response. But forgiving all student debt, as many Democratic candidates are proposing, forces the 65% of Americans who do not have a degree to fund the education of those who do."


Visit to New Hampshire’s Granite State Trade School

My “Training for a Lifetime” program provides an answer to the question many have asked: what happens to that coal miner when the mine closes as we move to green technologies and away from fossil fuels? What happens to the farm laborer when driverless tractors put him or her out of a job? At the moment, 40% of all Americans cannot find $400 to deal with an emergency – how do we expect them to be able to afford to pay for job training after they’ve lost their job?

As President, I will lead our country to make a national commitment to what I call “Training for a Lifetime.” In the military, we constantly train and re-train servicemembers — this explains why the U.S. Air Force runs the largest community college system in the country — because technology changes so rapidly. But while technology might become obsolete, a hard worker never will.


If we don’t make workforce training for a lifetime a national priority, our country will not be able to compete with global rivals. But it’s not just an investment in our economic future – it’s also a renewal of our national promise to take care of all of our citizens, and not just those who already enjoy the privilege of a college degree. We owe it to the Americans who work with their hands and their minds to do better and help them find the opportunities they need to thrive.

If you believe we need a President who looks after all Americans, and not just college graduates, please contribute to help get my message out.


Warmest regards, Joe


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Paid for by Joe Sestak for President

Joe Sestak for President
P.O Box 17246
Alexandria, VA 22302
United States