After reading every page of the Mueller Report, it's clear to me that the President of the United States repeatedly obstructed the federal investigation into Russian attacks on our elections.

The time has come for the House to begin impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump.

I have to tell you: I don't love this idea. All Americans –­ regardless of party or race or sexual orientation or religion or gender or age – are better off when the President of the United States isn't suspected of breaking the law.

But the president is the chief executive of our country, tasked with making sure our laws are carried out. Obstruction is the exact opposite of the job description, a betrayal of everything our entire system of justice rests on.

Like every member of Congress (and like Donald Trump), I took an oath to defend the Constitution and uphold the rule of law.

If Congress doesn't keep that oath – if we don't step up to defend the law – we're complicit in its failure.

This isn't about politics. And it's not about what's convenient.

This is about responsibility. It's about keeping our word and protecting our future. It's about doing what's right.

More soon,


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