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This past month, Biden’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, sat before the Senate for questioning. The Supreme Court is a sacred institution, and it is critical we appoint justices who are committed to upholding — not making — the law. But what we heard from Judge Jackson and learned about her record this past week should alarm constitutional conservatives everywhere.
When asked about her judicial philosophy, she told the Senate Judiciary Committee, “I do not have a judicial philosophy.” I’ve argued before the Supreme Court, and this is what concerns me the most about Judge Jackson’s nomination. We don’t need another activist judge on the court who will use their position to push their own radical, progressive agenda. We need constitutional originalists like Justice Thomas and the late Justice Scalia who understood the importance of upholding the law and strict adherence to the Constitution.
When the woke liberal mob is shutting down speech they don’t like all across the country, we need justices who will protect the rights of individuals to freely express themselves. The Arizonans I talk to are concerned about the Supreme Court protecting free speech and, like me, are wondering if Judge Jackson is committed to upholding the First Amendment.
Judge Jackson’s record on immigration law has impacted Arizona directly. In 2019, she blocked the Trump administration’s move to expedite deportations of individuals in the country illegally. We can’t afford to have a justice on the court who will threaten the security of Arizona’s border and refuse to uphold the rule of law. But that is exactly what Biden and Cartel Kelly want.
Fortunately, the United States District Court sided with Arizona and granted a preliminary injunction to stop a harmful immigration policy which would’ve halted nearly every deportation. We can’t have a justice on the bench who will put illegal immigrants before the American people. That’s why as your next Senator, I’m committed to voting for justices who respect our Constitution and uphold the rule of law.
There’s a few days left to gather signatures. This is a great chance to show the momentum on our side. Help me get a few thousand more signatures by signing online today and send this link so a family member or friend can sign too:

For Arizona,

Mark Brnovich
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