Lauren Boebert does NOT share Colorado's values -- just look at what she did last week:

Lauren Boebert

 FIRST →  She struck down a bill that would help Leukemia patients -- one of only two members of the House to do so – even though cancer is the leading cause of death in Colorado.

 THEN →  As President Biden condemned him for committing war crimes, Boebert rushed to support Putin by voting to normalize trade with Russia.

 NOW →  We're responding by raising $25,000 before our FEC deadline TOMORROW. Pitch in $25 or more to help us get rid of Boebert for good!

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Think about it: She’s taking funds away from cancer patients and praising murderous dictators. How did things get so crazy!?

This isn't just ridiculous -- it's dangerous.

That’s why we need all hands on deck if we’re going to hit our end-of-quarter goal and fund our grassroots teams. Will you click here to send your support?


Thank you.

-Team Walker







Walker for Colorado

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Walker for Colorado
PO Box 449
Denver, CO 80202


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